
Brainsight QuickLook 2.2.7 - Quick Look generator plugin, view medical images in Finder.. (Free)

Brainsight QuickLook is a Quick Look generator plugin for Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard or later. It allows medical images in the MINC1, MINC2, DICOM, ACR-NEMA, Analyze 7.5, NIfTI-1, and PAR/REC file formats to be previewed in the Finder and other applications.
Version 2.2.7:

Software melhora imagem da tomografia

GE Healthcare has announced 510(k) clearance of its Veo CT image reconstruction technology that promises to provide high resolution tomography scans at significantly reduced radiation doses. Veo implements model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR) in addition to traditional CT imaging algorithms, like statistical raw data-based iterative reconstruction. According to GE, radiologists that use Veo reconstruction, currently available on the Discovery CT750 HD, are performing chest CTs at similar doses to chest X-rays (.05 millisievert).

From the product page: